Wednesday, 5 April 2017


Always Use Correct Fingering

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Over the centuries of guitar playing, the experts have long figured out the best way to play certain chords and scales, meaning which fingers should be playing certain notes on the fret board.
Occasionally, you might discover an easier way of playing these — you’re a musical genius and never knew it. Don’t be tempted. Correct fingering isn’t just about playing that chord or scale properly. Adding variations is considered too, such as sevenths and ninths, and your custom style of fingering a chord might prove that those variations can’t be played (yep, this is one of the things I learned the hard way). Pay careful attention to the correct fingering of a chord and your hand’s position on the fret board for scales.

Do you need a one on one professional guitar training around Lagos, Nigeria?
Call Wumi on 07031547985 or 08074207229.

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